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What is Solution-Focused Therapy?

Solution-focused therapy is based on developing and achieving the client’s goals based on their personal vision of solutions. The process occurs in part through specific activities such as searching for previously successful solutions and finding exceptions to the current problem. Questions asked during therapy sessions revolve around present or future events and commonly examine what is already working or changes that need to be made to allow for forward progress of the solution.

Tools Used

Compliments are often used during solution-focused therapy to validate what clients are already doing well. Therapist may also acknowledge the difficulty of the issue the client is facing and encourage the client to make the changes necessary to alter their situation.

We encourage clients to do more of what is working and make the necessary changes in the areas that are not working.

Clinical Evidence

Early studies on solution-focused therapy have shown this technique to be effective for clients with a variety of issues and mental disorders.

At kp counseling, solution-focused therapies are often offered in conjunction with other types of therapies to give clients a full arsenal of tools they can use to manage the symptoms of mental illness or substance abuse.