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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects 3-7 percent of the youth in this country, according to the American Psychiatric Association. The diagnosis is also found among adults, although in smaller numbers. This condition is characterized by many different symptoms, which means no two cases of ADHD look the same. As a result, treatment must also be customized to meet the unique needs of each individual.
When a child has ADHD, it is typically a parent that identifies the symptoms and pursues a diagnosis and treatment for their child. It is rare for a child to recognize the symptoms and ask for help, even if they know they are struggling. Because the parents are directly involved in the diagnosis process, it is also essential that they are involved in the treatment process as well. Counselors working with children with ADHD should also be willing to work closely with the parents to give the child the greatest outcome from their treatment program.
Symptoms of ADHD
There are many different symptoms that can accompany trauma, which may be broken down into the following categories:
- Trouble paying attention to details
Disorganization (at work, school, and home) - Procrastination
- Failure to complete projects once started (find yourself starting projects but never finishing, always having projects to complete)
- Easily distracted by irrelevant or off-topic stimuli
- Difficulty focusing and maintaining attention
- Frequently moving from one activity to another and never finishing one before starting another
- Difficulty maintaining conversations with others (topic jumping, appearing to others as though you are not listening, forgetting things others shared with you in conversation)
- Excessive talking
Inability to sit still (fidgeting, squirming, standing up and sitting down quickly, bouncing, tapping) - Difficulty engaging in quiet activities
Always on the go
Treatment for ADHD
The counselors at kp counseling understand the importance of involving both the parents and the child in a successful treatment program. We strive to work with both the parents and the child to alleviate impairment from the symptoms of ADHD and help improve the child’s ability to focus and behave less impulsively. To learn more about our ADHD treatment options, contact kp counseling at 779-368-0060.
Mental Health America, Information for AD/HD among youth –
Mental Health America, Information on AD/HD among adults –
ADHD Support –