isn’t easy…
guide you.
Registration Process
- Explore our many services and see how we can help.
- Call and make an appointment – (779) 368-0060
Additional Information
- Your chief complaint and symptoms
- Any current/past health issues, allergies, and medications
- Current and past therapy treatments you have obtained
- Current and past family and social support systems
- Current and past personal and family drug and alcohol use
Based on your initial interview with the counselor, you and your counselor will create a treatment plan which will determine:
- How often do you meet
- Your goals in counseling
- Who will participate in your counseling process
How long is the counseling process?
Beginning the process of seeking help through counseling can be overwhelming and can at times be intimidating. Our mission at kp counseling is to increase the quality of life, by building relationships, through health, healing, and self-mastery, in the areas of physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. Our goal is to help facilitate your healing before you even pick up the phone to make an appointment. This website is intended to be a resource to you. Please explorer its pages, information, and links to supporting websites. One question you may struggle with may be “Is my problem normal? Am I normal or am I at risk?” This may partially be answered, for example, through the Normal vs At Risk link here.
Initial Evaluation Session
Your initial evaluation session will be about an hour long. You will be asked about what is bringing you in to see a counselor, but you also will be asked about factors from your past that have influenced your current crisis or symptoms. Our goal at kp counseling is to create a safe and caring atmosphere where you feel comfortable and free to share your story. We understand the feelings of vulnerability and hurt that often accompany sharing your personal story. We encourage you to play an active role in your therapeutic process by being open and honest, not only with us as your therapist, but also with yourself. We are honored to be by your side as you walk through your own story, healing, and moving toward self-mastery.
Ready to Schedule an Appointment
Once you are ready to make an appointment, we invite you to call 779-368-0060 and speak with our staff. They are knowledgeable of the services we provide as a whole as well as specialty areas of each of our individual counselors and will be able to make a suggestion for a counselor that will be the best fit for you based on the information you provide them. If you are asking for a specific counselor, make sure to let them know so they can try to accommodate your request. They will ask for general information such as your name and a phone number so we can reach you if needed. They will be able to answer any questions you have about what to bring to the first session.